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sudden urge...

hmmm seems very very long time since i blog...

although it was just march den...

life starting soon... yeapp the above is wad i did to my timetable...

hiaz jie jie would be coming back from hongkong-macua later...

hoping she bought me lotsa stuff...

hahas supposedly to go for orientation camp yet to mc and stay at home all day watching drama

in this 5 mths watch more then 10 freakking dramas!!! powderful!!^^

hiaz dunno whether i shld go a not for jeremiah bday...

maybe just drop by to give him his gift?

or maybe just mail his gift to his hse?? nono very fragil will break... haiz maybe dropby...

hiaz can u imagine my timetable kinda suck?

for 1 mth everyday sam time go sch?!?

hmm...thinking when will i ever blog again... i guess i wont anymore bah....

hiaz den like tat must well close this blog...

dun wan leh a lot of memories here...

maybe i will blog next time when i feel like bah...

shld go find smth to watch now la...

felling super emo kid now la...

hiasss bye blog cya next time bah..
thinking not going to be able to know anyone from my course:[
`][~silence is the key to my shadow~][`
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i blog just because of u...

y so sudden?!?????!!!!


now there only a sentence i need to say

'i no need a relationship or a bf... the reason im close with u because i like the feeling of being cared'

the above sentence feels so errr makes it feels so bad...

idk la...

lost for words...
`][~silence is the key to my shadow~][`
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i guess i only can say this here...

it feels like time to blog again...

y is freakking rach not on9 now???

haiss nvm shall blurt out here...

jeremiah tan came back to talk again...

i know ur reading....

yeap but somehow u still like me...

however i guess .... i cant tie u down or smth...

urgh wad im writing?!?


frankly speaking i dun....

argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i seiously cant write it here!!!!!!

it will seem seiously wrong!!!

well guess not gonna write it here...

i need rach frantically!!!

bye for now...

ps. if ur reading, pls dun come find me to ask me wad i wanted to write...

argh hate this feeling...
`][~silence is the key to my shadow~][`
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~just an average girl~

just as lonely as ever...

i'm rather angry that someone is still stalking my blog and dunno how to keep her mouth shut and mind her own business...

hack alrdy lah...

was in the bathroom thinking through smth...

i was wondering y am i speacial to be looken upon by jeremiah...

i heard from someone b4 say he notice me b4 i entered SJAB...

but like wad?!? i dunn but i feeling i dun have many great qualities either so y am i speacial?

kinda shock when [sulfur] says i could be in his list of gf too like wa???

i dun understand lor...

1. i dun like my looks at all... although its average but maybe due to the numerous time of looking at korean, my looks sucks...

2. im ot any loveable of cute so err y?!?

hiaz... guess no one understand also...

maybe one day someone will enlighten me...

Oo i 4gotten i half way wroted this and slp liao....hahas

reading the top like very pms like that...

there goes nth liao

will be back with more
`][~silence is the key to my shadow~][`
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back from all camps and a new year...

hey blog happy 2011 new year sia...

waiting for my video to load so shall blog...

went for 3 camps seh....

training camp was kinda ok la....

smc retreat made me bond closer den ever....

sec 1 camp hahas...was playing cards throughout...

later the 2 sirs kailin and char coming over to play monopoly deal...

sort of cant wait but seems wrong too...

like its not suposed to be tat close relationship...

guess i might be crazy sometime when i think tat too close tat person might like me....

tat sounds despo but nono!!!! im not just thinking too much

oh ya 4get to say im taking emerald next year!!!!

hope it will be groom to be a good platoon like charlie^^

i will be working with clinton kailin and shermine lots...

hahas all emerald one... i onli alpha....

oh ya did u know that shermine name how it came abt???

like the father was away when her mother wanna gie brith dunno wad name to give...

so in the end sher [mum's sername] mine[ like ur mine]

sooo cooll...hahas next time shld do the same too...

actually alrdy thought of the chinese name... hai xuan

hahass loovvee itt...

gonna watch my show again...

8 days my resutls will be coming out... gd luck me and everyone else^^
`][~silence is the key to my shadow~][`
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life getting misty...

hmm... dunno leh just wanna blogg...

from now on there will be a pic at the front i guess???

i like posts being like tat...

wads with tat pic??

i also dunno... seem like wad im feeling now.... oO sudden emo~ness

yeah hiaz.... life like seriously not going my way...

who will half way watching drama and think 'i die liao o lvls results coming out!' when its still 1 mth away...

im going crazy soon i guess...

even telling my sis tat she can break up with her bf and stay at home with me....

maybe thiss is alnoness i guess???

everyone has their things to do...

jere and sam work, clara didnt even think of calling me to hangout, rach has other friends too

me leh??? sittting on my sofa all day watching drama...

i dunno la.... i really want to have smth to do everyday smth to keep me going....

i wake up every morining and only think watch drama

like how far can tat go???

hmmm guess its my pms bah....

its always weird when u dun wan so much work and now u wan it back

life seems to be leaving me behind...

perhaps i gonna rott till the very end soon...

see my next sentence is always still the same

gonna watch drama now

hiass......... hope camp come soon for me to get busy once more....

tata, will blogg another time... this time due to pms
getting realli emo.... luckly not affecting anyone

ps. if i chose another direction will i be happier?
`][~silence is the key to my shadow~][`
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it supposed to be the holidays and yet i never blogg....

hiaz situation is kinda werid this days...

i kinda scolded jere cause he said smth on my prom makeup

so now not in talking terms...

this may even last 4ever i guess

but anyway im in the hack care mode

is like he think he know all abt makeup la

laughing tat i scold him to become a girl if he know so much

sms to nc to hang out yet on hh reply me

wad is this man?????

i got some stuff wanna give ur and dun wanna hang out??

i dun know lah

people are very werid this days

i promised i will go find a job yet now im soooo lazy....

waiting for clara to return from malaysia den go find together...

maybe i will facebk nc again


yesterday watch triller with rach

last night cant slp and now still giving me creepss

regreted watching it now... hiaz

oh ya but my achievements throughtout the holiday is...

i watch finish....

glee in 2 days

personal taste in 2 days

youre beautiful in 2 days


playful kiss in 2 days!!!!



currently waiting for some taiwan sunshine show acted by ranie and wuchun

damn freeeking werid people put 2gether

also waiting for city hunters acted my lee min ho

maybe in the mean time i will find another show to watch

haha going wiki them now

christmas coming going buy gift maybe will ask rach or clara

ps. going sign on heard alot of inside stuff hahas...
main point is now i dun wan jere to sign on

guess if he know wad my sis wanna to deal him his not interested anymore hahas!!!!
`][~silence is the key to my shadow~][`
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