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back from all camps and a new year...

hey blog happy 2011 new year sia...

waiting for my video to load so shall blog...

went for 3 camps seh....

training camp was kinda ok la....

smc retreat made me bond closer den ever....

sec 1 camp hahas...was playing cards throughout...

later the 2 sirs kailin and char coming over to play monopoly deal...

sort of cant wait but seems wrong too...

like its not suposed to be tat close relationship...

guess i might be crazy sometime when i think tat too close tat person might like me....

tat sounds despo but nono!!!! im not just thinking too much

oh ya 4get to say im taking emerald next year!!!!

hope it will be groom to be a good platoon like charlie^^

i will be working with clinton kailin and shermine lots...

hahas all emerald one... i onli alpha....

oh ya did u know that shermine name how it came abt???

like the father was away when her mother wanna gie brith dunno wad name to give...

so in the end sher [mum's sername] mine[ like ur mine]

sooo cooll...hahas next time shld do the same too...

actually alrdy thought of the chinese name... hai xuan

hahass loovvee itt...

gonna watch my show again...

8 days my resutls will be coming out... gd luck me and everyone else^^
`][~silence is the key to my shadow~][`
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